“没有最好的动力,只有最适合的动力”,3月10日,在盖世汽车主办的新能源汽车创新技术论坛暨第十二届汽车与环境系列论坛上,长安汽车执行副总裁张晓宇表示,鉴于消费者用 ...[详细]
3月7日,东风汽车集团有限公司(简称“东风公司”)党委常委、副总经理尤峥在媒体沟通会上透露,正联合一汽集团积极推进参股华为智能汽车解决方案业务(简称“华为车BU”) ...[详细]
开拓新市场,加速出海东风公司的海外市场布局较早。早在1983年5月,东风就成立了进出口公司,成为首个拿到国家汽车行业外贸经营权的企业。随后东风公司正式试水海外市场。 ...[详细]
近日,广汽旗下的飞行汽车GOVE在广州CBD上空进行飞行展示,首次完成在城市公众复杂低空环境下的飞行验证。按照规划,广汽将于2027年在粤港澳大湾区实现全链条立体智慧出行 ...[详细]
近日,广汽旗下的飞行汽车GOVE在广州CBD上空进行飞行展示,首次完成在城市公众复杂低空环境下的飞行验证。按照规划,广汽将于2027年在粤港澳大湾区实现全链条立体智慧出行 ...[详细]
今年以来,吉利喜事诸多。一方面,吉利汽车发布2023年财报,该年度实现营收1792亿元,同比增长21%,实现归母净利润达53.08亿元,对比2022年撇除一次性议价收购收益后的归母 ...[详细]
今年1月13日,北汽集团公布了2023年度经营业绩,全年实现整车销量超170.8万辆,同比增长17.6%,跑赢大盘(2023年我国汽车销量同比增长12%)。集团实现营业收入4803亿元,在 ...[详细]
今年1月13日,北汽集团公布了2023年度经营业绩,全年实现整车销量超170.8万辆,同比增长17.6%,跑赢大盘(2023年我国汽车销量同比增长12%)。集团实现营业收入4803亿元,在 ...[详细]
越来越多的车企一把手走到前台,打造个人IP,是近期国内车圈的热门话题,其中也包括了长城汽车董事长魏建军。前不久长城魏总开通了微博、抖音账号,还以直播的方式,进行过 ...[详细]
越来越多的车企一把手走到前台,打造个人IP,是近期国内车圈的热门话题,其中也包括了长城汽车董事长魏建军。前不久长城魏总开通了微博、抖音账号,还以直播的方式,进行过 ...[详细]
提起上汽集团,行业共识之一是其海外市场颇有建树,称得上中国汽车出海的标兵。借助多年积累的海外布局经验,上汽集团2022年率先站上“双百万辆”台阶,即新能源汽车和海外 ...[详细]
【大家好,这里是盖世汽车。本期“中国车企风云录”系列,就来聊一聊 航海家—上汽集团。】创新技术体系——“筑巢引凤”谈到汽车行业的新能源和智能化转型,就不得不 ...[详细]
华为一直坚称自己不造车,但是,现在的汽车圈,华为已经是响当当的存在。最像整车厂的Tier0,这是本次“中国车企风云录”系列最终决定要聊一聊华为的原因。自入局智能汽车 ...[详细]
2024年1-4月,奇瑞汽车累计销量达到了71.2万辆,同比增长55.7%。在出口方面,奇瑞汽车继续保持自主品牌第一的地位,同比增长34.2%至34.3万辆。在4月北京车展上,奇瑞展台聚 ...[详细]
【大家好,这里是盖世汽车。本期“中国车企风云录系列”,我们来聊一聊造车新势力中的“实干家”——小鹏汽车。】5月21日,小鹏汽车发布一季度财报,一季度净亏损为13.7亿 ...[详细]
随着近两个月销量的提升,蔚来正在回到正常的发展轨道上。2024年5月,蔚来第二品牌“乐道”正式发布,公布了首款产品乐道L60的外观和预售价21.99万元,标志着蔚来正式杀入2 ...[详细]
【大家好,这里是盖世汽车。本期“中国车企风云录系列”,我们来聊一聊造车新势力中的“理想家”——蔚来汽车。】新品牌“乐道”出道,杀入20万细分市场5月15日晚,蔚来第 ...[详细]
7月15日,理想汽车陆续向理想L系列和理想MEGA用户推送OTA 6.0版车机系统。本次版本升级重点围绕智能驾驶、智能空间和智能电动进行体验升级。在智能驾驶领域,AD Max的无图N ...[详细]
7月19日,雷军的年度演讲以“勇气”为主题,回顾了小米造车背后的故事。在新能源汽车市场竞争日益激烈的今天,一款新车想要突出重围并非易事。然而,小米汽车的首款车型— ...[详细]
【大家好,这里是盖世汽车。本期“中国车企风云录系列”,我们来聊一聊车圈挑战者——小米汽车。】技术底座在小米SU7未问世之前,市场对小米造车一直抱有疑虑,其中一点就 ...[详细]
7月16日,在中国一汽成立71周年之际,一汽解放自主研发的第900万辆解放牌卡车在吉林长春正式下线,中国一汽总产量达到6000万辆。谈到一汽,多数人第一时间会想到“共和国长 ...[详细]
在刚刚过去的8月,零跑汽车交付量首次突破3万辆,达30305辆,延续下半年的火热局势。【大家好,这里是盖世汽车。本期“中国车企风云系列”将和大家重点聊一聊以极卷品价比 ...[详细]
Let's dive into the trailblazing journey of BYD on the road to electrification.
This is the first episode (Part 2) of the "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants" series. ...[详细]
In this episode of "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants," let's delve into the transformation journey of Changan Automobile. ...[详细]
In this episode of "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants," let's delve into the transition journey ...[详细]
In this episode of "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants," let's talk about the legacy of Dongfeng Motor. ...[详细]
In this episode of "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants," let's continue our talk about the legacy of Dongfeng Motor. ...[详细]
In this episode of the Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants series, we will explore the growth journey of GAC Group. ...[详细]
We will continue to explore the growth journey of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co.Ltd. ...[详细]
A history of Geely Holding's development hides half of the history of capital mergers and acquisitions. ...[详细]
Geely Holding aims to be the “Volkswagen Group” of the NEV Era.
As a longstanding backbone OEM of China auto industry, BAIC Group has achieved many historical firsts. ...[详细]
As both a witness and participant in the development of China's auto industry, BAIC Group forges ahead through exploration and trial and error. ...[详细]
Huawei does not make cars, and its goal is to help automakers make good cars.
Huawei's Intelligent Automotive Solution BU is expected to reshape China's intelligent electric vehicle industry chain. ...[详细]
Self-owned brands, global market expansion, and new energy vehicle business have become the main driving forces for SAIC Motor's growth. ...[详细]
SAIC Motor builds an innovative technology ecosystem to attract talents and partners. ...[详细]
If forming joint ventures is SAIC Motor's way of "bringing in," then acquiring overseas brands for outward output is an essential strategy for SAI ...[详细]
The rise of Great Wall Motor and its path to electrification.
Great Wall Motor is still playing catch-up. But it will succeed by sticking to its long-term strategy. ...[详细]
In this episode of "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants", we will delve into the story of the understated JAC Group. ...[详细]
In this episode of "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants", we will delve into the story of the understated JAC Group. ...[详细]
Starting from Scratch:The Highs and Lows of Chery Holding Group.
Technology-driven Chery: Five Major Technologies Accelerating the Transition to Intelligence and Electrification. ...[详细]
In this issue of the "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants", we will talk about Li Auto. ...[详细]
Li Auto’s new strategies in supply chain and marketing have significantly strengthened its overall market position. ...[详细]
On September 29, 2024, NIO Inc. announced that it has entered into definitive agreements for strategic investments in its subsidiary NIO Holding Co., Ltd. (NIO ...[详细]
Hi, welcome to Gasgoo. In this episode of “Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants,” let’s talk about NIO.NIO's New Brand "ONVO" Targe ...[详细]
Creating top-selling products, building a fan base, and becoming a media entity, these are part of the secret to Xiaomi EV's clout. ...[详细]
The future path of Xiaomi EV holds many uncertainties, but these challenges will drive the company's progress. ...[详细]
In this episode of "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants," let's talk about XPENG ...[详细]
In this episode of "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants," let's continue our talk about XPENG ...[详细]
Hi, welcome to Gasgoo. In this episode of “Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants,” let’s talk about China first car manufacturer FAW. ...[详细]
Hi, welcome to Gasgoo. In this episode of “Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants,” let’s talk about China first car manufacturer FAW. ...[详细]
In this issue of the "Wheels of Change: Stories of Chinese Auto Giants", we will talk about Li Auto. ...[详细]
the Story of Li Auto
We're diving into the story of a new, fiercely competitive player in the market—Leapmotor. ...[详细]