航空航天是碳纤维现有应用的最大市场,2019年全球航空复材市场产值接近1000亿元并保持12%的年增长速度,相比之下,国内的航空用碳纤维复合材料市场规模还很小。全球复合材料市场中,航空应用的产量占比为23%,产值占比高达63%; 而在中国,航空领域的产量与产值占比分别只有3.7%和23%, 因此可见碳纤维复合材料在中国的航空航天领域的应用仍有巨大的增长空间。预计未来10年,中国的碳纤维复合材料市场都将处于快速增长的阶段,逐步成为美国,欧洲以外的第三极,市场规模预计达到500亿元以上。可以说碳纤维复合材料行业的发展升级,同时也将是中国由制造大国向制造强国转型的一个缩影。
根据测算,飞机每减重一千克,可降低运营成本13万元以上,而增加的材料成本仅是其效益的15%,回报率超过7倍,因此飞机制造企业与航空公司纷纷对复合材料趋之若鹜。波音787和空客A350 XWB上的碳纤维复合材料用量超过了机身结构的50%,这种标杆性的案例对于全球范围内的航空制造商来说都有着巨大的引领作用。国产C919中型客机上碳纤维复合材料应用比例约为12%,而在C929机型上将达51%,无疑最好的验证了这种趋势。而复合材料的成型是航空制造产业链条中最具附加值的一道环节,现有情况下也是相对薄弱的一个环节,挑战主要集中在复合材料生产工艺的改善及成本的下降。
HRC invested in new serial production center of advanced aeronautic composite parts in Changshu
On June 2nd, 2020, Changshu city, HRC has officially signed a new investment agreement with the local government to invest and establish a brand new serial production center of advanced composite parts for further serving the aeronautic, railway and other target industries.
With a registered capital of total $33.8 million, the phase I of the new aeronautic center will have a production area of 20,000 sq. and be equipped with a variety of leading composite forming technologies such as Autoclave, OOA, Thermoplastic and also assisting functional areas such as inspection, assembly and packaging etc.
During the past 5 years of business practice, HRC has successfully achieved its primary intention with the automobile industry for being acknowledged as one of the most professional and dedicated lightweight solution providers and became the designated carbon fiber part supplier of many well-known OEMs such as Volvo, Geely and FAW.
Since middle of 2018, HRC had started the development and production for aviation projects. In 2019, new independent aeronautic business unit was founded and consists of an international team of highly specialized and experienced experts with solid technical background, providing rich talent and experience for the foundation of the new advance aeronautic production center. At the same time, with HRC’s strong international network and resources, as well as the ability to provide rare comprehensive services from engineering design to serial production, the production center will be swiftly put into formal operation with a high bar of standard and efficiency since the very beginning of its establishment.
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