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盖世汽车网 2007-03-29 00:00:00

当今中国汽车工业发展异常迅猛,06年产销量双双破700万,其中乘用车市场的表现尤佳,这样的发展势头是否还将持续,或者又会出现理性回归? 该报告将从整体市场、政策法规、产品市场、制造组装、供应链、和品牌营销、售后市场等六个方面为你一一解答。

Booz Allen Hamilton---Every executive wishes for a crystal ball that could provide a glimpse into the future and reveal what his or her industry will be like in ten years. While that’s likely to remain an impossible dream, it doesn’t hurt to look for the next best thing. In 1999, when the Shanghai Municipal Government asked Booz Allen Hamilton to review the impact on Shanghai of China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), we made a number of predictions on where the Chinese auto market would be today that have largely been borne out; many have exceeded even our most optimistic expectation.

Today, we’re looking into the future again and painting a picture of what China’s auto market will be like in 2015 across six key dimensions: overall market; regulatory context; products and markets; manufacturing and assembly; supply base; and branding , sales, and the aftermarket. We highlight five major trends and the accompanying market discontinuities and how vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, and other market participants can best prepare for them.


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